Trailbreaker Resources Ltd. is a mineral exploration company focused primarily on mining-friendly British Columbia and Yukon Territory, Canada. We are committed to continuous exploration and research, allowing us to maintain a portfolio of quality mineral properties which in turn provides value for our shareholders. The company has an experienced management team with a proven track record as explorers and developers throughout the Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Alaska and Nevada.
Trailbreaker Resources Ltd.
Forging the path toward discovery
Our Principles
Trailbreaker Resources Ltd. is committed to health, safety, and the environment. We seek to work with communities to develop relationships that focus on creating value for everyone.
Our Projects
Trailbreaker Resources Ltd. is currently advancing it’s portfolio of quality projects in British Columbia and Yukon Territory
Our Investors
Our investors are secure in the knowledge that they are with an experienced and well-respected exploration team with a solid track record of wealth creation.

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Trailbreaker Resources Ltd.
650 W Georgia St # 2110
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada, V6B 4N9